Expert Witness for Clean Energy NH

Who We Are & What We Do
Clean Energy NH (formerly the NH Sustainable Energy Association) retained ETE’s principle to serve as an expert witness in a proceeding related to the development of successor net metering tariffs (NH PUC 16-576). ETE assisted the client’s attorney with discovery and entered initial and rebuttal testimony into the record. ETE’s arguments in testimony were focused on the lack of evidence related to cross subsidization of PV customers by other ratepayers, rate design issues, inefficiencies in REC monetization for small DG systems, and load research that suggests PV customers adopt beneficial electrification post solar install (thereby reducing the magnitude of the claimed revenue loss to the utility). Several of ETE’s positions related to rate design, REC monetization, and load research studies were adopted in the stipulation agreement that was subsequently approved with modifications by the NH PUC in its Order entered on 6/23/2017.